Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sick child, costly super powers, and The Moral of the Story

The Child has an infection of some sort. 105.3 fever a couple of nights ago, and I almost panicked myself to death. I did have the presence of mind to call the doctor before calling 911, and they told me to bring her in the next morning, and only to worry if it climbed to 106. So we loaded her up with ibuprofen and Tylenol, she slept like a rock all night, and was much better in the morning (though still very hot).

I took her in, chatted with her on the way about how the doctor would have to look in her eyes and ears and mouth, and listen to her chest and back, but that he was her friend, and he was trying to figure out what was making her sick. On the way in, she was chattering away at me, and said, "We're going to the doctor to get sick!" No amount of correction would dispel that notion. Sigh.

She was her usual shy self at first, but the first nurse to wave at her, she turned the charm on. I wish I could make nurses and doctors and other highly educated people fawn over me just by touching my hairdo and declaring, "This is Naomi's pigtail!"

She is most likely fine, though we have to wait on some cultures to be sure. They put her on antibiotics, which is super awesome because she refuses yogurt. Sometimes she'll drink it in smoothie form, if we're lucky. So, I have to get to the store sometime today to pick up some probiotics. Yaay.

Jeremy and I have recently been thinking of awesome superpowers at a price. Like, if you had Fire Hands, but you had to scream constantly whenever your turned your power on.

We play too many video games, I think.

Also, Little Golden Books. I like them because they don't usually have A Message. They're just cute little stories. But I like to give them A Message. For instance, The Poky Little Puppy.


Five puppies keep digging under the fence and are gone all day, exploring and doing little puppy things. They keep getting home in time for supper, but their mother sends them straight to bed because they dug a hole under the fence. The Poky Little Puppy is a dawdler, so he gets home after everyone is asleep and eats up all the dessert. The third time this happens, his brothers fill up the hole under the fence instead of just going to bed, and their mother rewards them by giving them the dessert. The Poky Little Puppy has to squeeze in through a slat in the fence, and goes to bed with nothing to eat.

Moral of the story:

If you break the rules, more often than not, you'll get a family-sized portion of dessert.

Or The Shy Little Kitten. Synopsis:

A shy little kitten wanders off by herself her first day out of the barn, meets new people, and eventually wanders back to the farmyard, where her mother gives her a bath, and they all go on a picnic.

Moral of the story:

If you wander away from your house, be sure to talk to strangers, go on long walks until you get lost, but be home in time to get a bath and some delicious food.

Also, I would like to know what the parents are doing in these stories. If my kids were consistently destroying property, I'd probably do more than just withhold supper, you know?


  1. Culturelle for kids probiotics will dissolve into whatever you put them in. I used to think, I'll just buy the capsule ones, open them up, and pour them in/on stuff. That works fine in applesauce since it's kind of grainy anyway, but not in much of anything else. Culturelle, however, can be dissolved in whatever they were already drinking or eating and doesn't change the texture. It's EXPENSIVE (like $20 for 30 of them) but if you keep your eyes open, it'll go BOGO at CVS or at the grocery store, which makes it more reasonable, and even if you use one packet at every meal it lasts 2 weeks, which is probably longer than you'll need it.
    Also, the fire hands CRACKED ME UP and I imagined a crazy MS Paint drawing by...... [insert 15 minute pause here while i look up website] [never mind. (i've forgotten the chick's website)] but anyhow it was hilarious.

  2. Probably they're something like Dora the Explorer's parents, who apparently let her wander much of the world, including going through rainforests, climbing mountains, and crossing rivers (but always wearing a lifejacket, so no need to worry!) without a care. But then, I let the kids play in our fenced backyard without me, so what can I say?

    Sorry about Grace being sick! That sounds so rough. My oldest fell in the backyard a few days ago and got a huge, raised bruise on her back that I would have called a "goose egg" if it had been on her head. We were actually a little worried that it was a broken rib at first. The swelling went way down with an ice pack, thankfully.

  3. This is the problem when we cross species:
    We assume a story about an anthropomorphic puppy will mean the critters
    are consistently humanish (I didn't want to type 'anthropomorphic' again)
    But occasionally the traits of their genus will emerge and wandering and property destruction will be viewed with favor.
