I've been watching the first part of the season finale for an hour and a half and am only 17 minutes in. This is really pathetic. My crazy notions and dumb questions so far:
I have another crazy theory. The first episode of the entire show begins with Kate and Jack in the forest. It's very Adam and Evey, I think. Anyway, this scene and what follows lead us to believe that Jack and Kate are going to be the heroes of the show.
I think that's a deliberate misdirection. I don't think Jack and Kate are Adam and Eve in the sense that they are the first human beings, perfect in everything. I think Jack and Kate are the ones who first sin and bring about The Fall. Now, I don't they're intentionally villainy; in fact, I don't if this show has anyone who is completely evil on purpose. Not so far, at least. But I think that by their blundering selfishness, they continually guide the Losties down the path of destruction. Even when they think they're not being selfish, they do things out of self-righteous indignation. They don't do what they believe to be right out of a desire to do right, but out of a desire to be better than everybody else; every time one of them does something "good", it's followed by a long period of chest-thumping my-righteousness-is-better-than-your-righteousness.
My other crazy theory is about John Locke. John Locke has always been a very gullible soul. He's a kind-natured person, but he's constantly being duped. When he comes back to the Island, we see he's changed. He has an edge that was never there before. My theory: we're supposed to think that John has lost his gullible nature; after all, he's been lied to, had his kidneys stolen, sold out by his mother, abandoned by his father, abused by his foster parents, teased by his boss, humiliated by a tour guide, and murdered by Ben. Who could possibly trust anyone after all that?
The thing is, that up until Ben murdered him, he was still always too trusting of other people. So why would one event in a long string of betrayals suddenly make him change? I think John Locke is being duped again. Whatever is speaking to him, whether it's really the Island or not, is not his friend.
Moving on:
Scene one: Jacob, in white. The tapestry reads, "May gods grant what you desire in your heart." or "May heaven grant you in all things your heart's desire." Or something. That's what the Internet told me, at least. I don't know Greek. Why can't this show have Hebrew, huh? Such an important ancient language, yet so neglected and ignored. Sigh. Anyway, it's a line from the Odyssey. He's speaking to Nausicaa, whose name, coincidentally, I'm sure, means, "burner of ships" (again, this is just what the Internet has told me). She helps him get ships that finally get him home.
Jacob is wearing white and catching and eating some fish he's caught in the net (metaphor?). Other Dude is wearing black. We'll call him Johnny Cash. Is this Smokey? I'm still up in the air about who is good and who is evil on this show, and I know Lost loves misdirection. He draws hapless fish (real and in ship form) to the Island and devours them. I suspect the ship we see now is the Black Rock. And we know where that one ends up.
Johnny Cash asks Jacob if he knows how much he wants to kill him. Jacob, unimpressed by this, says "yes". They talk about loops, corruption, and how the only end that matters is the real end. Then we pan out to...
Sobek, crocodile god! From Wikipedia, that font of completely accurate information:
"Gradually, Sobek also came to symbolize the produce of the Nile and the fertility that it brought to the land; its status thus became more ambiguous.[2] Sometimes the ferocity of a crocodile was seen in a positive light, Sobek in these circumstances was considered the army's patron, as a representation of strength and power.
Sobek's ambiguous nature led some Egyptians to believe that he was a repairer of evil that had been done, rather than a force for good in itself, for example, going to Duat to restore damage done to the dead as a result of their form of death. He was also said to call on suitable gods and goddesses required for protecting people in situation, effectively having a more distant role, nudging things along, rather than taking an active part. In this way, he was seen as a more primal god, eventually becoming regarded as an avatar of the primal god Amun, who at that time was considered the chief god. When his identity finally merged, Amun had become merged himself with Ra to become Amun-Ra, so Sobek, as an avatar of Amun-Ra, was known as Sobek-Ra."
According to Wikipedia, the ankh he's toting represents his ability to undo evil. Very interesting when we're talking about time loops.
Scene in store: Kate steals, gets caught, is about to be punished. Jacob comes to the rescue, pays for her transgression, tells her not to steal anymore. Sound familiar? John 8:3-11 Again, I think this is a misdirection. I don't believe Jacob is Jesus Christ. He gives me the willies. What if the point of this interchange is instead that, by "saving" her from discipline, he's encouraging her in her earliest steps on a destructive path and, at the same time, claiming her as his own? BUT I'm not 100% sure of that. Sometimes I do think he's the good guy.
Maybe Rose and Bernard are Adam and Eve in the cave, and that's why they've completely vanished from the show without explanation.
So has Ben really never met Jacob, and he was faking the conversation when he took John to the cabin? Or is he lying to Sun? If he's lying to Sun, why?
What IS in the box? John Locke? Did he really not come back to life? Is the John Locke walking around 100% Ol' Smokey? This would make me sad. I love John Locke.
And AGAIN, Jacob steps in while Sawyer is planning his vengeance, even as a little boy. One the one hand, maybe he is just being a nice guy, doing a poor sad kid a favor. But I think he's encouraging him in his bitterness and laying claim to him with a "gift".
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